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Online lessons: 3 Lesson 3: Ease your neck
Look to your right.
Look to your left.
How do your shoulders feel right now?
How easy is it to bend your head sideways to the right and left? Move your right ear in the direction of your right shoulder. As you do this movement again and again ... slowly ...
Try both versions ...
Which do you prefer doing? Do you move your right shoulder as well when you bend your head, or can your shoulder stay motionless? Stop and rest whilst you rest, scan yourself. Do you notice any difference between your left and right side? Place your right hand over the top of your head, the fingers somewhere near your left ear. Now pull your head gently down ... as far as is comfortable, your left hand can rest on your left thigh.
Can you imagine that you breathe into your left lung as you bend and breathe in? Do it a few times. Your right elbow goes down sideways, not forwards. Can you imagine breathing out as you bend, so all the air leaves the right lung? Do it many times. Stop and rest Sense throughout yourself whether you can detect any changes. This is the most important thing to do during these lessons.
What is the quality of looking to the right and looking to the left? Can you see further on one side?
Let your right arm and hand hang down at your side and place your left hand on top of your head. Now gently push with your left hand so that when you bend sideways to the right your left elbow points towards the ceiling as you are doing so. Can your breathe into your left lung, as you bend? Do it a few times. Can you breathe out and empty your right lung, as you bend a few times? Where do your eyes go as you bend? Stop and rest ... and scan yourself again.
Is there a difference between bending your head to the left and bending it to the right? Scanning through your whole self ... can you find other differences? And what is different now, from how you were before you did these exercises?
Repeat everything you did on the right side, with the left. Thank you for doing this lesson! You will see that it pays off! Slowly you will discover that there is much, much more to these movements, questions and, your answers to the questions. The simplicity of it is deceptive! You will be amazed at the changes that will take place. In more ways than one. VISIT THIS SITE OFTEN!
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