Cambridge Centre for Lymphology and Feldenkrais

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Feldenkrais Workshops

Mini Workshops:

These take place once a month on a Saturday afternoon from 14.00 - 17.15. Doors open at 13.45 so that we can have a prompt 14.00 start. The workshops will cost £30, payable in advance. Booking is essential as spaces are limited. To book, please email: or text / what's app / phone 07746 964151. If anyone has a theme they would like to work on, please let me know!

June 15 - Functional Breathing and Rib Flexibility

Breathing is something we all do from birth until death, and we rarely think about it. But where do you breath? Which parts of the ribs do you utilise? Do you use the diaphragm efficient;y? Do you have a tendency to breathe shallowly? Do you feel you can't breathe deeply enough? Do your ribs form a cage, that is tight and inflexible, or can your ribs allow you to move freely in the chest? This workshop will look at a functional ways of breathing with everything that is available to breathe with, from the ribs, the diaphragm and the abdomen.

Venue: CCLF.

June 22 - Functional Breathing and Rib Flexibility

Repeat of the above workshop.

Venue: CCLF.

July 13 - Functional Feet

This workshop will look at feet - their amazing construction that allows us to stand and walk. How the feet support our weight and the relationship of the feet to the rest of yourself - the knees, hips, pelvis, ribs and head.

Venue: CCLF.


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Cambridge Centre for Lymphology and Feldenkrais (CCLF)
283 Milton Road
Cambridge CB4 1XQ, England

Tel: 07746 964151

© CCLF 2024. All Rights Reserved. All Trademarks Acknowledged.